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RAG Evaluation Starter Guide

This page teaches you how to configure the RAG model evaluation with ARES to accurately evaluate your model's performance.

Configure API Key.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key here>
export TOGETHER_API_KEY=<your key here>
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=<your key here>

RAG Evaluation Configuration

The synth_config dictionary is a configuration object that sets up ARES for generating synthetic queries based on a given dataset. Below is how the synthetic generation configuration style.

from ares import ARES

ppi_config = { 
    "evaluation_datasets": [<eval_dataset_filepath>],
    "few_shot_examples_filepath": <few_shot_filepath>,
    "checkpoints": [<checkpoint_filepath>],
    "labels": [<labels>], 
    "model_choice": <model_choice>, # Default model is "microsoft/deberta-v3-large"
    "gold_label_path": <gold_label_filepath>

ares_module = ARES(ppi=ppi_config)
results = ares_module.evaluate_RAG()

Evaluation Dataset(s)

Input file paths to datasets for PPI evaluation, which should contain labeled data for validating classifier performance.

"evaluation_datasets": ["nq_unlabeled_output.tsv"],

Link to ARES Setup for evaluation dataset example file used.

Few-Shot Prompt File Path

Specify the file path for a file with few-shot examples, which PPI uses to understand the labeling schema and guide the evaluation.

"few_shot_prompt_filename": "data/datasets/multirc_few_shot_prompt_for_synthetic_query_generation_v1.tsv",

Link to ARES Setup for few-shot file example used.

Checkpoint(s) File Path

Generated from ARES Training Classifier, provide file path(s) to model checkpoint file(s), representing the saved states of the trained classifiers used for evaluation.

"checkpoints": ["output/checkpoint_generated_from_training_classifier"],


List the names of label columns or individual label column in your dataset(s) that PPI will use for evaluation metrics.

"labels": ["Context_Relevance_Label"], 

Gold Label Path

"gold_label_path": "nq_labeled_output.tsv"

Link to ARES Setup for gold label path file example used.

RAG Evaluation Configuration: Full Example

from ares import ARES

ppi_config = { 
    "evaluation_datasets": ['nq_ratio_0.6.tsv'], 
    "few_shot_examples_filepath": "nq_few_shot_prompt_for_judge_scoring.tsv",
    "checkpoints": ["/future/u/manihani/ARES/checkpoints/microsoft-deberta-v3-large/"], 
    "labels": ["Context_Relevance_Label"], 
    "gold_label_path": "nq_labeled_output.tsv"

ares = ARES(ppi=ppi_config)
results = ares.evaluate_RAG()

Download the necessary files for this example here!